The Parts Department houses a large parts warehouse facility that occupies 4,000 sq. ft. It is equipped with Mezzanine floor capable for storing up to 4,000 items and stock value of over HK$15M, ensuring that the parts inventory is always available upon demand. To increase the effectiveness of parts delivery, the warehouse will utilize electric delivery van to directly deliver spare parts to work bays. Our Parts Department offers the following services :
- Retail Parts Sales
- Wholesales Parts Sales
- Fleet Parts Sales
Yuen Long (Fairview) Parts Centre
Address: 33 Kam Pok Road, Tai Sang Wai, Tai Yuen, Yuen Long, N.T.
Tel: 3913 8930
Fax: 2482 4211
Service Centre Business Hour
Mon – Fri: 08:45 – 18:15
Sat: 09:00 – 1800
Sun & Public Holiday: Closed